The swimming club held its Annual General Meeting last night. 游泳俱乐疗昨晚开了年度会员大会。
The Secretary shall give to the chairman of each of the scheduled groups not less than one month's notice in writing of the date of the annual general meeting of the federation. 秘工周年大的日期以面通知各列明的主席,而通知期不得少於一月。
However, the non-executive directors are subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the annual general meeting in accordance with the Company's bye-laws. 然而,非执行董事须遵照本公司之公司细则规定,在股东周年大会上轮席退任并重选。
All general meetings other than annual general meeting shall be called extraordinary general meetings. 除了每年召开的理事会年会,其它的理事会会议统称为理事会特别会议。
In accordance with the bye-laws of the Company, all of the directors will retire at the forthcoming annual general meeting and, Being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. 根据本公司之公司细则,各董事全部将于应届股东周年大会退任,惟均愿膺选连任。
The proposed dividend is subject to approval by the Company's shareholders in the upcoming annual general meeting. 该等拟派股息需要本公司之股东于周年大会中批准。
This authorization is valid until the end of the next annual general meeting of the shareholders, or the expiry of the term of holding the next annual general meeting of the shareholders as provided by law, whichever is the earlier. 本项授权持续有效至下次股东周年大会结束为止,或法律规定须要举行下次股东周年大会的期限届满为止,以较早者为准。
At its annual general meeting on Thursday, Rio came closer than before to acknowledging scepticism over the grounds of the commercial secrets conviction. 在周四召开的年度股东大会上,力拓比以往更接近于承认,它对这项侵犯商业秘密定罪持怀疑态度。
Today, Yahoo's long-delayed annual general meeting of shareholders can finally be assured held. 如今,拖延已久的雅虎年度股东大会终于可以放心召开了。
Remember that, next time the chairman at the AGM ( annual general meeting) cuts off your question about his salary. 下次的年度股东大会上如果董事长不理睬你对他的工资所产生的质疑,你可以提醒他这一点。
Annual General Meeting of the World Customs Organizatio 世界海关组织周年大会
Ordinarily, the directors are elected by the shareholders at the annual general meeting. By and large, the German team is better. 一般而言,是由股东在常年大会上选出。一般而言,德国队要更强些。
Young Men's Christian Association An Annual General Meeting is held in January. 基督教青年会(青年会)每年年会在一月份举行。
A registered member will receive copies of treats newsletters and is entitled to vote at its annual general meeting and be elected to the executive committee. 注册会员可以定期收到「亲切」的活动通讯,亦会被邀出席周年大会,并拥有投票及被选入执行委员会的权利。
They should treat the annual general meeting as an opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with investors. 他们应把年度股东大会视为一个与投资者展开有意义的对话的机会。
Ordinarily, the directors are elected by the shareholders at the annual general meeting. 一般而言,是由股东在常年大会上选出。
Mr Wyser-Pratte is seeking a seat on the firm's board at its annual general meeting on April27th. 于是盖威舍帕拉特正试图在公司4月27日召开的常务年会上谋求董事会的一席之地。
An Annual General Meeting is held in January. 每年年会在一月份举行。
As the Annual General Meeting, the president called on the workers to voice their concerns about the prospects of the company. 在公司年会上,董事长号召大家说出自己对公司前景的想法。
Speaking on Friday at the first annual general meeting of his fund, Fidelity China Special Situations, Mr Bolton also said he was reducing his exposure to gold after the precious metal hit fresh highs of$ 1, 632.30 an ounce this week. 上周五,波顿在富达中国特殊情况基金(FidelityChinaSpecialSituations)的第一次股东大会上还表示,上周黄金价格创下每盎司1632.30美元新高之后,他已在削减自己的黄金敞口。
We enclose a form of proxy for use at the Annual General Meeting. 我们附上委任年度大会代表的表格。
The election of the Standing Committee shall be held during the annual general meeting. 常设委员会选举须在周年会员大会上举行。
Protests have interrupted the annual general meeting in London of the oil giant BP, the first since last year's oil rig blast and huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 石油巨头BP在伦敦举行的年度高层会议被抗议者打断,这是自去年钻井平台爆炸,引发大量石油向墨西哥湾泄漏以来的首次抗议活动。
The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint full, life, or honorary members to fill vacancies in the Executive Committee as they occur, provided that the team of members so appointed shall expire at the next annual general meeting. 当有需要时,执行委员会有权任命普通、永久或荣誉会员填补执行委员会之空缺,其任期将于下次周年会员大会前屈满。
Provided that the Registrar may at any time after the audit of the accounts has been completed convene the annual general meeting which shall proceed as if it had been convened by the committee. 但官可在目完成后,召周年大,大予行,如是由理事召的一。
Grammatical Metaphor in CEO Speeches of Annual General Meeting; Special acoustic guide services for most of these exhibitions were available to visitors. 年会CEO商务演讲语篇中的语法隐喻分析其中大部分展览设有录音专人讲解服务,为观众介绍展品。
I joined in the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Cat Salvation Army today. 我更出席了今天香港爱猫救世军的周年大会。
I am sure that this would give nomination committees access to a better choice of candidates and lead to more women being proposed as non-executive directors at the next annual general meeting. 我确信,这将使提名委员会在确定候选人时能有更好的选择,在下一届年度股东大会上,让更多女性成为非执行董事。